
Armengol is an industrial company with its own product manufacturing where innovation in processes is a constant challenge.

Especializados en la protección de cables eléctricos mediante sus sistemas de tubo y de las instalaciones eléctricas en general con sus soluciones en material toma tierra.

Fundada en 1962, se trata de una empresa familiar de tercera generación que en origen se dedicó a dar soporte a la industria vitivinícola fabricando accesorios diversos, para posteriormente dar solución a la protección de los cables eléctricos como fabricante líder en Sistemas de tubo rígido de acero.


Contribute, with our products, to the protection of cables and electrical installations in general, guaranteeing the safety of equipment and people


To be a European reference in the manufacturing and marketing of tube systems and grounding material for the protection of wiring and electrical installations.


Specialization, quality, customer orientation, commitment, teamwork, professionalism.

Security and specialization

Quality politics

ARMENGOL's quality policy is based on the adequate achievement of customer satisfaction by meeting their expectations, that is: maintaining competitiveness in the market by offering our products in a timely manner and safeguarding their quality/price ratio.

For this, it is considered optimal to maintain a Quality Management System based on the achievement of objectives, the implementation of continuous improvement and the control of internal processes through indicators. As required by the ISO 9001: 2015 regulations and the AENOR and NF Quality marks that some of our products have.

The Management permanently evaluates the application and effectiveness of these provisions, guaranteeing the evolution and improvement of the Quality System and promoting cooperation and mutual respect between employees and suppliers.

Corporate social responsibility

At Armengol we firmly believe that the best investment is the one made to protect the environment, together with the set of actions that allow us to guarantee the safety of our workers. That is why both premises make up the central core of our social responsibility as a company.

In this sense, we train our employees, encouraging their commitment to these aspects and prioritizing that all our activities, products and services are developed with the goal of the lowest environmental impact and the greatest possible risk prevention measures.

To this end, we guarantee compliance with current legislation and those technical requirements that allow us to continue improving our commitment to sustainability, the environment and the health of our collaborators.

Key aspects:

  • Know and evaluate constantly and objectively the direct and indirect impacts generated by all our processes, products and services.
  • Neutralize harmful emissions through active control of air, water and soil vectors; understanding that only in this way can we guarantee the progress and economic sustainability of our company.
  • Evaluate the alternatives offered by the market for the selection of suppliers that can offer us the raw materials and services necessary to carry out our activity, which have the least environmental impact.
  • Encourage the training and qualification of all employees to encourage participation in business improvement, also at an environmental level.

Corporate social responsibility

At Armengol we firmly believe that the best investment is the one made to protect the environment, together with the set of actions that allow us to guarantee the safety of our workers. That is why both premises make up the central core of our social responsibility as a company.

In this sense, we train our employees, encouraging their commitment to these aspects and prioritizing that all our activities, products and services are developed with the goal of the lowest environmental impact and the greatest possible risk prevention measures.

To this end, we guarantee compliance with current legislation and those technical requirements that allow us to continue improving our commitment to sustainability, the environment and the health of our collaborators.

Key aspects:

Know and evaluate constantly and objectively the direct and indirect impacts generated by all our processes, products and services.

Neutralize harmful emissions through active control of air, water and soil vectors; understanding that only in this way can we guarantee the progress and economic sustainability of our company.

Evaluate the alternatives offered by the market for the selection of suppliers that can offer us the raw materials and services necessary to carry out our activity, which have the least environmental impact.

To this end, we guarantee compliance with current legislation and those technical requirements that allow us to continue improving our commitment to sustainability, the environment and the health of our collaborators.