According to Bloomberg, electric SUV cars are the future

A study conducted by Bloomberg states that in about 20 years we will all be driving electric cars, more specifically some type of SUV. Although each person has different tastes and it is not easy for all of us to end up liking SUV vehicles, the truth is that these are the results of the study.

The study carried out by BNEF has been done with the purpose of being useful for those investments who want to know the trends before investing in energy, that is, this study advises people to invest in a certain sector and raw materials. If we look at it from this point of view, we can conclude that currently we should buy cobalt and invest in battery factories. Although the purpose of the study was this, it has helped a greater number of people to get an idea of what the future of the automotive sector will be.

Increase in the sale of electric cars

The sale of electric cars expected for 2018 is 1.6 million units worldwide. Although it may seem like a large amount, the truth is that this figure is very small compared to the almost 100 million vehicles that are manufactured annually in the world, but it is worth noting that in 2014 sales of electric cars did not even reach half a million. . In this way, the growth in sales of this type of vehicle is 27%.

For their part, Bloomberg analysts have predicted that of the 1.1 million electric cars that were sold in 2017, 11 million will be sold in 2025 and about 30 million units in 2030. This increase will be thanks to the fact that, at that time, the electric car will be cheaper than one with an internal combustion engine.

This progress is mainly due to the price of lithium-ion batteries, which has been falling for a few years. Just as they previously cost $1,000/kWh, at the end of 2017 they dropped to $209/kWh. This price reduction has not affected the quality of the batteries, since the density of the batteries has improved between 5% and 7%.

The truth is that the expected increase in the number of electric cars is not only due to the price of batteries, for this reason, more and more governments want to encourage citizens to acquire this type of vehicle, replacing motorized cars. internal combustion.

Why will all cars be SUVs?

In the Bloomberg study we have also been able to see that those electric cars that will be sold within 20 years will be SUVs. We must keep in mind that SUVs represented 42% of car sales in the US and 39% in China in 2017.

Although the study says that in 20 years all of us will have electric SUV cars, the truth is that these trends may vary as they have in past examples within the automobile sector.

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